9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | We can’t get a man’s health back and if a man dies we can’t get him back but we can always get money back 90% of you don’t take risk that’s why you’re still working Most of you don’t take risk that’s why you’re still putting money in fixed deposits You don’t take risk that’s why you don’t leave town You don’t have a goal. If you don’t have an action plan, you won’t work. Your brain won’t work. Suppose you go to the airport every now and then or wander around on a flight. For a few weeks your motivation is at its peak level.

9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | Turn Over When a magnet is brought near another magnet they either attract or repel i.e. if the south pole of one magnet comes close to the north pole of the other magnet they attract either the south poles of the same two magnets or if two magnets are brought north poles the two magnets repel in the same manner as the law of To attract money according to attraction, certain methods must be followed.In this video we will learn about the nine most important methods from which if you follow them practically you will be able to attract a lot of money.
1.Keep Your Wallet Clean | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
NUMBER ONE ALWAYS KEEP YOUR WALLET CLEAN The first way to attract money is to keep your wallet clean and organized. Why is it that we don’t feel good if we do that first and another belief is that Lakshmi should come into the house which means that the house should be clean. No matter how you take care of your wallet, you should also take care of the wallet where you keep your money. Money, cards related to money, such as debit cards, credit cards, etc., should be kept in the wallet. Bus tickets, visiting cards, bills, shaving needles, dirty poems. But the old ones are worn out and worn out.If you want money that represents Lakshmi to stand, you need to clean not only your house, but also your wallet, be organized and attract positive energy.
2.Return the money at the time | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Return the money at the time mentioned by number two. Have you ever taken money from your friends or acquaintances and promised to return it on certain days? You will definitely return the money on those certain days. Otherwise, call them and tell them about it. Otherwise, if they avoid returning the money even after the deadline has passed, or if they turn them around without telling you anything, then you will remain a helpless person who cannot manage money. 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | The best example of this is the bank. If you take a loan from any bank and pay this EMI regularly every month, even if you do not ask before the loan is completed, the bank will come after you and give you a loan at a lower interest rate than before.
3.Don’t blame money | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | Number three Don’t blame money Be grateful If you want to attract money Never speak wrongly about money Look at the people around us All my problems are because of money But if I had some more money I would start a business Why even a useless person has money But here are more people who talk like this Most of the people are good but there are many people who are living worse than them and they are living better than them that is because of money you are not thankful for money but you are blaming money saying that money is the cause of all problems think people like you don’t get money stop blaming money and only those who are thankful for money need to earn money Paths appear.
4.Meditation | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Number four money meditation is not like yoga meditation that you wake up early in the day. This money meditation money meditation is every day as soon as you wake up and before you go to sleep how much money you want to earn in how much time you want to earn and if you have any other goals about them close your eyes and breathe slowly and sit quietly. Imagine that it has already happened, for example you want to buy a car next year.9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | For that you close your eyes every morning when you wake up and before you go to bed at night.
The conscious mind works to make it a reality by sending the necessary positive signals into the universe to make it happen, then the universe helps make it happen in real form.
5.Make sure that you are surrounded by what you need | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Number Five Make sure that you are surrounded by what you need. There are always different people around you. Everyone’s dream is not to make money. For some people, it is a dream to build a big house. For some people, it is a dream to buy a car. Sometimes you go to a car showroom, take a test drive and sit in your favorite car for a while.
9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | Then say thank you to your favorite god and also if you like luxury life, go to expensive restaurants in hotels whenever you can, sit in the lobby, if you get a chance, ask the hotel staff and go to the rooms there and thank god for giving you such a good opportunity. Also suppose you go to the airport every now and then or take a flight every now and then for a few weeks your motivation will be at its peak level which will turn into positive energy and attract more money.
6.hang around with rich mind set people | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Number six hang around with rich mind set people if you like to play cricket then you can play cricket only with people who come to play cricket and if you go around with tennis players you can’t play cricket also if you want to make money hang around only with rich mind set people who know how to make money.
9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | For example, when we go to God’s temple, the whole day is very calm, this is because of the positive energy in God’s temple, positive vibrations, and when we are near death, or when we watch any horror movie, we do not sleep well that night, this is because of negative energy, negative vibrations. Similarly, we have rich minds. If we go back together with them, due to the bunny vibrations they have, we can also get good thoughts. If you don’t find someone with a rich mind set, read books written by people with a rich mind set or watch their videos on YouTube.
7.Take Financial Risk | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Number Seven Take Financial Risk Some of you may doubt that money can be made by taking financial risks, but this is not surprising to those who have already made money by taking risks, for example, circus performers.They do various gymnastics, they walk on a rope like in the movies of Magamaraj, like Chiranjeevi, they ride a bicycle without stopping for two or three days, they dig a grave like a grave, cover it with mud and stay there for six hours.
9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | But the reason why people come here to watch with interest is because ordinary people cannot do these stunts because if they do the circus, there is a risk of breaking their legs and arms. Because you are taking risk, you are able to attract people, 90 percent of you do not take risk, that is why you are still working, many of you do not take risk, that is why you are still putting money in fixed deposits.
8.Set Goals Related To Money | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Number Eight Set goals related to money Why should you set real goals For example let’s take a government office .9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024 | What will the employees working in that office do if their boss doesn’t give them any work Some people sleep Some people play games on the phone Some people chat instead Take a private company They are definitely a They work with a deadline.
So everyone has to work according to that deadline and have to work hard to complete it. In other words, for anything related to money, you should definitely set a goal. Accordingly, an action plan should be specific. That action plan should have a target date. When you have a target in mind, your brain is active. Work Attracts Positive Energy If you don’t have a goal and don’t have an action plan, you don’t work Your brain doesn’t work You attract negative energy.
9.Don’t be sad when you lose money | 9 Essential Steps To Attracting Money 2024
Number Nine Don’t be sad when you lose money. Humans make some mistakes sometimes because of those mistakes sometimes they can lose money. If you lose money then don’t worry too much because there is no one who became rich without ever losing money. Losses are common in the process of making money. We can’t regain human health.Also if a man dies we can’t get him back but we can get money back anytime Endamuri writes in a book that even after losing everything you can start life again from zero.
If you are persistent you will learn more lessons when you lose money add your persistence to them don’t sit and cry when you lose money run or walk if you can’t crawl crawl if you can’t stop fearing losses these are some important techniques you should follow to attract money if you like this video like it Comment Share this video to everyone you know Be Rich Stay Rich.
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