APAAR CARD 2024 | The government has brought another card like Aadhaar card which is Apar card.In this video, what is the actual appar card, what is the use of this card, what are the benefits of taking this card, and who only needs to apply for this card, who does not need to apply, and also how to download this card, I will explain to you with the PIN.

Full Form Of APAAR Card 2024 | APAAR CARD 2024
APAAR CARD 2024 | So Apar full form has arrived and automated permanent academic account registry is understood and this is Apar full form.Did you hear this word academic in schools and colleges when you were a child and do you understand the other name of this appar card is One Nation One Student ID Card. Here is the student.
APAAR CARD 2024 | This Apar card is only for students Every student should have this Apar card from KG to PG. Even if you are studying LKG, you should stay with your son.Even if you are studying abroad, you have to have it with you, Andy. If anyone has brought this, the government has brought this card. Do you understand the saying that each card has a twelve digit number?
Functionality Of Apaar ID 2024 | APAAR CARD 2024
APAAR CARD 2024 | Unique ID Number For Example You are a student, you have received a card and this number is written on the card. It is unique, the way our Aadhaar card works, this Apar card also works in the same way.
APAAR CARD 2024 | So when we enter our Aadhaar card number, we get complete information. Our name, city, how many bank accounts are linked, how much balance we have, how much property we have in our name, everything comes. That is, if they enter who needs to enter, it will show the information, A to Z information. Same here, if you enter this number, you will get A to Z information. What information is our academic information, where did we study, how many schools did we change, how many marks did we get?
How many marks did we get in our school, how many marks did we get in 8th, how many marks did we get in 10th, similarly, how many marks did we get in Inter, how many years did it take to pass in the first attempt, the second attempt, that also comes along with the degree, similarly to BTech, MBA also shows where we studied and how many marks we got.
If you enter this card number, there will be a QR code along with the number, even if you scan it, you will get all this information. Marks also shows where we studied schools and colleges, how many schools we went to, how many colleges we went to and under which university these colleges are.
APAAR CARD 2024 | Along with that degrees in case now you are in the final stage and are studying abroad so how many degrees you have completed so far will also come. And Scholarships also shows how many scholarships we have received so far on entering this card number.
In the same way, skills show how many skills we have and rewards, which awards we have received, like this A to Z information is shown when entering this card number, so there are so many advantages, what are the benefits for us?
For example, your son is studying in a present fifth school, from this school he has to do his sixth class in another school, when he joins the new school, the school will ask how many marks your son got in the fifth and which school he attended earlier.
Just give them this card as soon as they ask, they will enter the Jest number in their system and once they enter, they will get complete information. Marks schools A to Z we don’t need to give any documents physically, do you understand?
APAAR CARD 2024 | For example, you have applied for a job, interview, you don’t need to physically carry every document during the interview, school certificate, inter certificate, degree, MBA, etc. Just tell me your card number and they will type it and you will get complete information along with the marks.It also shows how many marks you have got in the seventh class. So better isn’t it A to Z information just scan one QR scanner and you will get all our Bhagwatham.
In case it took four years to complete the MBA, it also shows that whoever is interviewing, they understand that there are advantages and disadvantages and finally how to apply for it. Simple, open and show you practically.
Open google and type abc dot gov dot in this is the website name do you have my account here click student here you need to sign up in case you already have digilocker in your name no need login directly log in if you are logged in don’t link your digilocker don’t link it .
And if you look at the name of this website, this is Academic Bank of Credits, this organization is maintained by this government organization, Aadhaar is the same, almost the same, so if you are a student, you should sign up here.In case you don’t have a DigiLocker account, sign up here.
APAAR CARD 2024 | All the details should be given,After giving it, click on Verify and it will ask for some details. So, if you are doing BTech now, when did you pass, if possible, it will ask for the hall ticket number, give the basic information, after giving it, link it with your DigiLocker, Aadhaar card, PAN card, all the information will be linked, so it will take all the information automatically.
After everything is done, after giving all the basic details, it will say Download Apaar Card. Once you click on download, it will be downloaded. In this way, you can create it. You can ask sir, is this all necessary for our children, small children? They teach it in schools. Wait for a few days. Sometimes, if not, teachers come and say all this. Bring all this. Aadhaar card is all this from home. If you have Aadhaar card, they will do it, don’t worry, do you understand?This is Apaar Card,
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