Money Management 2024 | Money management is very important in our life.Our Parents does not teach money management to children. No. This is what we do.So if we tell our children how to manage their money, their future will definitely be better.Otherwise their future is not good financially.
For example:chicken biryani Recipe planning.Before preparing chicken biryani.We will do everything.We can get all the market chicken, biryani masala,ginger garlic paste. We will put as much as we need in time. We will pay when we have to. Then biryani comes very well.

Money Management 2024 | Life is the same, planning and management are all important in order to make our life better in the future.Fundamentally, if the management does it correctly, our future will be good financially
Money management is very important. When should you start real money management?
It is not after coming, but when we are small, we have to start.If we had taught, we would have been at another level now.
Nothing can be lost even now. Money Management 2024 | If we teach our children money management, how good their future will be.All we have to do is tell our children how hard we are trying to make a big mistake.
How the money is coming should be shown,If parents do it before they will understand. You may think that money management is our baby or not.
Saying that Babu’s age is four, five and ten. They are 2Kids, Eighty Kids, not Nine Kids. They are very advanced.
Money Management 2024 | For example, if you give a phone for two years or three years, open YouTube and watch it.
They see these. We don’t need to teach. If you want to be told by them, you have to look like this and do like this,Saying that. Children are so advanced. At that age, your mind is very sharp.
At that age, if we taught you proper lessons and money management, you will definitely remember. We also remember what we did when we were kids, some of them are yes. So if we teach well, they will learn well.
Savings | Money Management 2024
Money Management 2024 | First One Savings Teach them how to save money. Their age is very young.We will buy some toys like remote car, lorry, crane.They keep asking to buy this and that. They don’t buy a piggy bank or a mouse.We can save our money in it. Like Pat. It is said that it is also made with clay.
We can save our money. Buy it like a toy. Buy it like a toy and play it under.Make a habit of depositing money One Rupee Coin,Five Rupee Coin,Ten Rupee Coin. Their hands .Hold it and throw it like this. It is said that if you play it, you will get used to it.It becomes like a toy when you say that you have to throw coins.. Make it a habit,is called don’t give What you have to do is a game. Game again.
Look, you go out and get a packet of milk If you put your clothes in a folding box, 2 rupees. If you go there. If this is done, say this.Get used to them.Tell them that they will get money if they work hard. They ask for money to play the game.Money Management 2024 | Don’t give it. Then, say that each and every one will give money. If they say that and do it, they will lose their money
Give it. They keep doing it.
Money Management 2024 | Stop lending money when it becomes a habit. If you go out and bring a packet of milk in the sun.If you put them in a folded cardboard box, you will get only 2 rupees. If you work hard.It is said that they will get an idea by asking their parents if they will get money. father is also working very hard. That’s why I got up early in the morning and went all the way.They will get an idea by telling them if the evening is coming, if they are struggling, will they get money.
Money Management 2024 | At a young age. As such, daily hard coins are being offered.He asked when tomorrow and said he wanted a bicycle. Then that piggybox or piggybank.Break it and take all the money. They will understand.We have to earn. We have to save the money so earned.Fridge, TV, AC are all my father’s. He said that he saved money and did not go into debt,Idea comes.
Imagine you are buying a car after all the money is gone. Before buying that car,you saved money and said that you are taking money to buy a car.Take it.The car will not come with it, just acting. The car knows how much money is in the piggy box before the eyes of the builders.Money Management 2024 | Give it in the showroom. If they give it, they will get clarity.Goods will arrive It is said that the idea will come..So learn how to save money this way.
Loan | Money Management 2024
Money Management 2024 | And second one loan, debt.Our children should know exactly how much debt we have. Otherwise my father,Koteshwar, if money comes, he will ask for that or ask for this, he will keep on asking.
Money Management 2024 | You should know that the salary you are getting is so much and so much EMI is being paid in it.
Say what you mean.The original debt is the money we take. We don’t have money. Go to uncle saying that we don’t have money.Went and took a loan. If you have taken money, that money is not free, but you are hiding it in a piggy bank.If you save that much, add that much money as interest and give it again.We don’t have money.
If you tell them that this is why it is taken, it will make sense. Oh my father doesn’t have any money.So he said and brought it to uncle and paid me school fees Dr. I should study well. My father has money.
Money Management 2024 | The word is understood by saying that there are no. Do not ask for debt.Similarly, if you go, take the borrowers with you. Take it and show how Will there be That money lender says. He used to say that the interest rate is three rupees every year. That Emotions are all car ree. They become cardham. It will definitely be remembered in the future. So that way if they know how much we are borrowing, they will not ask us to buy this and buy this. Good.They are studying.
What is our customer Indian customer doing.Those who have opened a bank account, no matter how much my kid spends, the amount of that cost.
For example, to buy a bicycle, ten thousand, that money was transferred to their Babu’s bank account. In the note,To loan, ten thousand and add it and send it to that bank account, that bank account.Even though they are buying with their debit card, what their father asked and what their father asked is the same.
Money Management 2024 | They have transferred their kids bank account and are spending from it.
Tomorrow morning, if they ask their kid what did they do to their grandmother, see the bank statement, I have spent so much.They should know that no matter how hard they are working. How money comes. Be very careful if you know that We should know the value of the loan in this way.And the third one is investment.
Tell me how much salary I get, leaving aside one thirty percent of the salary when the salary falls.
Why should investment be made? If money is not invested, money stays the same.
Money Management 2024 | For example, open Bureau and show it. One month back money. That money is the same.
If I invest that money in stock market, mutual funds, PPF etc.Tell me that it will increase. Interest and interest will be added. Somana money is a safe investment.put Say it under a game. Look at the stock market. Up down up down. One thousand rupees buying shares.Let’s see what happens after one month and tell me again after one month and show me. look One thousand rupees has increased under one thousand and one hundred. Hundred rupees profit.
Say hey. It makes sense if you do that. Should we invest our money? If you invest, Is the money increasing? He said that if he puts it in the beer, that will be enough and it will give them clarity
word.The stock market is not what mutual funds are. About anything. Among them
If we invest our money, that money will grow.comes ,Similarly spending. What are the actual wants and needs. Say. Wants means needs . Look, you are thirsty, go to the fridge and take a water bottle. You need that water bottle.
Money Management 2024 | Write all you want. Buy these only. If you buy anything else, I will not give you money. Say it is this.
So, even if you are on that list, stay in front of their eyes. Don’t buy anything else. It’s a habit
If they do, they will do it in future when they get salary after marriage.Since they have been watching since childhood, they also prepare a list and see what is in that list.It is said to buy them.
In the future, they will save a lot of money. So if we teach ourselves this way.I remember their eyes.Similarly a good loan is a bad loan. Look, we have made debt, that means we have benefited a lot from debt should be If there is a benefit in the future, it is called a good loan.
Otherwise, you should never take a bad loan.
Tell them that you should take a good loan.If it means this, then it is in their mind
will go will remember.If they do this and teach them money management, their future will definitely be good.
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