“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | Do you hear the term SIP regularly? Do you want to buy a house? Do a SIP.

Do you want to buy a car? Do a SIP.
Do you want to educate your children? Do a SIP.
Do you want to retire? Do a SIP.
You will hear the term SIP over and over again.
What is SIP?
Say this. Now I will give 10 crores at once.
Would you choose it? Otherwise I will give you 1000 rupees today.I will double it another day.It will be 2000.
Next day I will double to 2000 and 4000.I will double it the next day.I will double from 1000 to 2000, 4000,8000.16000 and double the money in 30 days.If you were given these 2 options, which option would you choose? Before knowing the answer, I will tell you a short story and then we will go to the main video.
Learn Through A Story – “Small Investments-Big Returns 2024:
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | Most of us have heard this story.But if we can understand the meaning of this story, You will understand that we remain poor because of mistakes.A few thousand years ago, a saint went to a king in a kingdom.The king saw the saint and came to ask something.He said that he did not have time and asked him to give something.
He said he had urgent work.Sadhu King opens the chess board and says that he has 64 squares.The saint asked him to put a grain of rice in a box.He said that double rice grains should be put in the box next to it. like thatI had to put 2,4,8,16,32,… in the boxes respectively.The king said that the saint was very innocent.
Even if he put twice as many grains in the boxes in a row, the king thought that it might not fill his fist.The king said that he would give rice to the saint.The king’s 12th box was filled and the grains of rice in the king’s treasury were also completed.
The king filled the 3rd and 4th boxes and also finished the grains of rice in the king’s kingdom.If you are surprised by this, if you look at it in simple mathematical terms. A grain of rice is asked in the first box, take it as 2 power 0,Then he asked the king to put 2 power 1 in the second box.Then he asks the king to put 2 power 2 in the third box.
He adds all these numbers to the last box and puts 2 power 63 coins in the last box.If we look at the numbers 2 to the power 63, that’s 9.2 to 10 to the power 18.Considering that 100 rice grains are equal to 1 gram, we need to put 92 billion metric tons of rice in the last box.The grains of rice to be put in the last box are not produced only in India, not only in the world.
In India, 150 million tons of rice is grown.In China, rice is grown in 200-250 million tons.If we want to put 92 billion tons of rice in the last box, the whole world’s rice is not enough.This is the power of compounding.
Question & Answers | Small Investments-Big Returns 2024:
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | Now I come to my first question.Want 10 crores? Or give 1000 rupees and double it?People who thought 10 crores in the first box must have changed their opinion.Because the 1000 rupees I give will double in 10 days and become 10 lakhs.It will be 100 crores in 20 days.And in 30 days it will be a few thousand crores.
We can apply this same formula in the stock market.But it is not possible to practically double money in the stock market as seen on the chessboard.Friends, in this video we will see when the money we invest in the stock market doubles.
Let’s see about “Small Investments-Big Returns 2024 plan.when the money invested in the stock market doubles.Then, as you saw earlier, we listen to SIPs everywhere.
What is SIP? Is it ok to invest in stock market every month?Or is it better to invest on a certain date?
How can we SIP smartly without making any mistakes?
What are the important tricks I follow in SIP?
How can I earn more than the rest of the people?
What are the mistakes I make in SIP?
I will provide you complete knowledge about SIP.
What is Lumsum?
What is the difference between SIP and Lumsum?
Who Should SIP and Who Should Lumpsum?
If I have a lot of money and want to invest it in the market.
How can I invest it through Systematic Transfer Plan?
I will explain clearly about this.
How to invest without making any mistakes in your investment journey.And you will learn how to earn good income.
Are you investing after getting a job?
Or, do I think I don’t need all that and invest in the bank?
Are we living our lives without meeting our family’s needs and our needs?It is in our hands.
So, when do we invest?
How far in advance are we investing?
And what are we investing in?
So, how much return we get from the investment is in our hands.So, let’s say you are investing early.
And what are you investing in?If you are investing in stock market or index funds,
Tell us how much return we got from stock market index funds since last year?
12%So, we have a formula called the Rule of 72.Of that, 72The return is divided by how much you are investing in the product.Let’s say 12%.So, if you divide 72 by 12,You get 6, right?That is How much money you are investing in product or stock market,It doubles after 6 years.
Suppose you are investing 1 lakh.When will it be 2 lakhs?After 6 years.When will it become 2 lakhs and 4 lakhs?After 12 years.When will that 4 lakhs become 8 lakhs?After 18 years.So, this is how compounding happens in the stock market.So, if you look for 12% return it will take 6 years.Or, if you look for 16% and 20% in other stocks,Look it up to 25-30% and say you have that potential.
If you see with your own knowledge and skills,This is no different.But, if 72 is divided by how much revenue you’re looking at,Your money will be invested in the stock market.Well, I want to invest in the stock market.I get very little salary.I get 15,000-20,000.Losing everything for my needs.I have nothing left.How can I invest in the stock market?You say things like this.But, I have very little money.
Can you save 1000 rupees per month?
For investment and long term goals.Like, for your children’s studies.Or, if you want to build a home or save for your retirement.If you have a big goal in your life,If you have any such goals, it’s an investment.I have nothing.I have health insurance.I have term insurance.I don’t have any goals,home to me,No children’s education.Retirement is on my mindI think that is a different theme.There are such people.
I cannot justify them.Why should I invest in it?
But, yes.My children’s education will cost a lot in future.If they want to study higherI have to support them.Otherwise I cannot depend on anyone for my retirement.If I want to go on a world tour,Or if I have any long-term goals,Or if they want to spend my money on them,Investment is their only weapon.
How To Achieve Financial Goals 2024 | Small Investments-Big Returns 2024:
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | This is their only way to achieve their financial goals.You will hear two things about investing.
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024 – One is SIP.A systematic investment plan.Another is LUMSUM.A systematic investment plan is,Monthly, the money you have,In any product,It can be a stock, mutual fund, ETF, anything.Or maybe any other investment avenue.monthly,Increase or decrease or increaseWithout thinking whether it will decrease,For fixing a date in a month,Investing in this way regularly is SIP.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of SIP?
How can you get more benefits from SIP?
Let’s talk about all this.
About LUMSUM | Small Investments-Big Returns 2024:
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | What is LUMSUM?
You have a lot of money.As you sell your property,Or as you sell a different item,Or if you have anything related to other family,You have a huge amount of money.You invest all that money in your stock market Or in any other way .If a huge investment is made,It is called LUMSUM investment.But there are several things that people investing in LUMSUM should keep in mind.
Let’s talk about them too.If you are looking into stock market investments for the first time,Our channel has their complete series.Investment, personal finance And other ways to invest.
What are Mutual Funds?
What are Index Funds?
How to invest?
What should you look for when investing?
They are all here.All links are in description and comment section.Watch them and invest.
Small Investments-Big Returns 2024 – In the investment process,You need a DEMAT account to invest in stocks and mutual funds.Many channels have already talked about demat accounts.I opened it.There is no problem in investing in this.But I want to open a good demat account.I think your knowledge is useful.So, if I want to open demat account under you,Thanks a lot for that idea guys.If you wish to do so,Links to our channel are in the description and comment section.
If you account through them,It also supports our channel.If you want to take term insurance or health insurance,Links on our channel are in the description and comment section.Instead of going directly to websites.Go through our channel.There is no need to pay an extra rupee.But our channel gets commission from you
First, look at the example of SIP.Every month, you want to invest a portion,You want to invest Rs.10,000.On a fixed date of the month,Suppose your salary is credited on a particular date of the month.On a certain date,I will tell you which date I prefer.Listen to this first.On a certain date,If you are an ETF index fund,In Nifty ETF or Nifty Index Fund,On a certain date every month,10,000 or Rs.10,000,
Whether the index fund you are investing in is rising or falling,It has nothing to do with you.You’re not in a good mood, it’s raining outside,I’m just kidding.Whatever happens has nothing to do with us.If we invest Rs.10,000 – Rs.10,000 on that particular date,In that index fund or ETF or whatever route, if you look at the average return,
Let’s say you are investing in a product that gives you a return of 12%. Past returns,If you invest in a product that gives a return of 12%,If you invest for 30 years,You will get around Rs.353 Lakhs.You have invested Rs.36 lakhs,The revenue on it is Rs.317 lakhs.350 lakhs if combined.
This is the money you earn through SIP investment.
Advantages and Disadvantages of SIP 2024 | “Small Investments-Big Returns 2024:
Let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of SIP.Friends, this is the stock market.You see it before your eyes.Nifty 50,It means an index of top 50 stocks in India.
Did it go straight up or down?
There are some hiccups, right?
It’s going up and down, right?
So, the most important thing that has been in the market for a long time is,We can never time the market.Look at this height.Falling from here to here,A little falling and growing.They bought it thinking that the market will increase.It will drop a bit later.You might think it will fall further,You sell the stock there.And the market grows from there.So, the market plays with our emotions.So, it rises and falls again.
It falls and rises again.time Can’t wait to see when it will rise and fall.They brought SIP method.The reason for this is,Keeping it in the market even when you have increased money.You keep putting money even when it drops.Thus a good price is determined on average.Put when the fund or stock is at 100,When we went to 120, we invested when we went to 150,
We invested when we grew up, we invested.Suppose it falls again to 120 and 110. 80, 70, you invested,If you put it in bull phase and bear phase,Your average cost will be around 110, 105, 105, 107.You will get a good average price.So, whether the market rises or falls,
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | For people who regularly invest and do SIP.A good average price is available.And no knowledge is required for this.Even if the market is over-valuated,Even if it is expensive,Whether the market is rising or falling,
What if I put money in the market and it crashes?No tension.If there is a large amount of capital, there will be tension.When we keep an untouched amount every month,If the market goes up or down, what do you think you have to give up?
To create the discipline to keep it that way,Because if we put it in large quantities,We create fear and when the market falls, we try to withdraw money.If we need But, in short term we don’t need money.I can be like that for a long time.If I keep some part of my salary that I don’t need,
My emotions are affected and the discipline continues.No knowledge required.Let’s blindly pick a variety of products.Let’s take Nifty 50.
Does it require a lot of knowledge?
Nifty 50.
If you invest in top 50 companies in India,If India grows, the top 50 companies should also grow, right?If you believe in India’s growth,No further analysis is required.We can invest in index fund or ETFs.
And, you know when it works best?
When the market starts to correct from very expensive values,If you do SIP at that time,You will get a good average price in the fall.So, whether the market falls or rallies.I don’t care.Whenever I see long-term growth by investing a certain amount in the market,
Those people opt for SIP
I can time the market.I have a skill.I can understand that.The market bottomed out.The market is at the bottom.This is a very good support zone or market-related low values.Very attractive values.If we invest here, our money will grow.
Who can do analysis or timing,Lump sum investment.So, whether you invest in SIP or lump sum,The main thing to remember is that,You should not expect that money in the short term.And, if you invest in a lump sum,You must have the knowledge to time the market.If one invests a large amount without that understanding,If the market is correct 10-20%,Emotionally hurt.
If you don’t know how to determine the market,Split it up.It is better to invest in certain parts of the market.Let me tell you how to break it down.So, you are a beginner,If SIP or aggregate,Definitely go for SIP.Let’s talk about important aspects about SIP.
If you have a lump sum of money,How to invest in the market.So, on which date should you do SIP?Friends, if I were a salary man,If I get salary at the end of the month,I do SIP in first week of salary.If you get salary in the first week,You should invest within the first week of your salary.I said I will tell you the date.Literally, there is no guarantee that you will get good returns.
But, if the salary comes in the first week itself Salary will be scattered.It does not appear in bank accounts.So, you get salary at the beginning of the month and If you want to invest at the end of the month,You cannot achieve it.If you see the salary in the bank account will cost.So, try to invest within the first week of salary.
If you have money, try to invest in the first week.You are self-employed and doing business,
If earning money,You should observe a half day on the 15th of the month.So, exactly on the 15th.15th of every month.Or, put it on the first day of the month.Because every month has a 15th and a first day.If you keep it on the last day,The first day of the month changes.So, we have no such idea.
So, put it on the first day or 15th of the month.I prefer 15.In the middle of the month.So, if you are a self employed business,My personal preference is to keep it on the 15th of the month.There is another misconception.
After you enable SIP,You can’t stop it.You have to invest every month.If you cannot pay for a month,You may get a penalty.There is such a fear.Friends, you can start SIPs anytime.You can pause them at any time.Like, I don’t want to invest for a few months.
I have a lot of expenses, then you can pause it,You can stop it Or you can stop it.So, you don’t have any problem with that.It is not EMI.This is an investment we are making.We must not stop it.Our investment journey cannot be stopped.
We must not stop it.But, if necessary,You can pause it and you can fully stock it.You get it all on mutual fund platforms.By the way, how to invest in SIPs?How to invest in SIPs?Friends, I have explained it all clearly in this video.If you have watched these two videos,
You will gain knowledge about mutual funds.In the second video,You will get an idea of how to invest in mutual funds practically.You will get an idea of what to invest in the app.Watching these two videos will give you an idea.I give explanation, comment section and end cards.
Many people invest in certain stocks and invest while doing SIP.But, say,Before the Satyam Computers scam came out,If I ask you to name the best IT stock,Telugu people tell us Satyam Computers stock.But, what happened? With this,The stock fell at one stage.
Must Follow Instructions in Investment | Small Investments-Big Returns 2024:
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | So, don’t invest blindly like our own company.If you have no idea and you can’t track the market,I explain ETF, Exchange Traded Fund or Index Fund in this video.By investing in these,Your money is different.It does not go into a stack.If you invest in multiple stocks like Nifty 50 ETF or an index fund,Your money will go into 50 stocks.It is diverse.So, people putting SIPs and Lumpsum should keep this in mind.
Next, there is the concept called Booster SIP.Try to understand carefully.You invest on a specific date every month.But, the market will not fall that day. anything,If the market falls suddenly on the news,If it decreases by 5%,If a particular index fund or ETF falls by 5% in a particular month,
We usually add another SIP to the SIP we invest in SIP which we invest in remaining months will expire in one month.Have you seen the 5% indicator?If the index in which we invest falls,Let’s add Booster SIP to it.
Thus, adding more money when the market falls.If it goes down by 5%, we add more money.So, when the market gives us a 5% chance of a fall,If we try to add extra money to the market with Booster SIP,Our income is better than that of common people.Know what’s a pretty secret investment strategy? Step-up investment
In the first video I showed you,You expect Rs.10,000 and a return of 12% And if you invest for the next 30 years, you will get Rs.3.5 crores.Many of you might be thinking,Its value is now Rs.3.5 crores,What is the value of Rs.3.5 crore after 30 years?If you want to invest Rs.10,000 from your current salary,Will your salary not increase in another 10 years?Or, are you trying to grow your business?
Small Investments-Big Returns 2024 – As your income grows slowly, so does your investment.If you invest Rs.10,000 this year,Invest Rs.11,000 from next year.If it is increased by Rs.12,000-13,000 from next year10,000 will come in the first year.You increase Rs.10,000 from next year and Calculated at a CAGR rate of 12%,
You will get Rs.8.3 crores in 30 years.Previously it was Rs.3.5 crores.Now Rs.8.3 crores.Now adjust your inflation.Then, you will be satisfied with your returns.More importantly, if asked to invest in SIP,You invest in any product.
But we don’t get any results, if you don’t have knowledge.You think there will be negative results
friends ,Don’t think about it.ETF related to NIFTY,Bank NIFTY related ETF,Invest in these.I told about these in this video.However, let me tell you some more important points.
If you are already investing in mutual funds,Open your mutual fund platform.Look there.If you look regular, it means you have made a big mistake.
If you see a dividend option, it means you have made a big mistake.
So, when you choose mutual funds,Remember these two things.One is tangible and the other is growth.DG,Choose direct, growth mutual funds. Regular, with dividend option.It is very important not to choose mutual funds and, If you are thinking of investing in other funds,
There are many parameters.and you,If you are thinking of investing in mutual funds with returns of 12%, 14%, 16%, 20%, 25%,There are several things you need to keep in mind.If there are multiple mutual funds for a particular scheme,To compare them,
Alpha, Beta, Standard Deviation,Rolling returns.And there are multiple factors.These should be studied and invested.I have explained all this in this video.I am telling you this because,If I compare SIP, LUMSUM and other comparisons,You can expect returns from those funds And there is a possibility of loss.So, if you are not aware, according to Sensex
Top 30 stocks related to the index.And trust the top 50 stocks of the index as per Nifty.A mutual fund that selects such stock.Should be directly related to growth.If there is direct growth, it is a mutual fund.If you don’t study it,If it is an index fund,An index fund is also a mutual fund, that is
If an index fund,And if the index is also Nifty, Fifty or Sensex,
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” | As you are in top companies. Regarding the index,No need to study risk and necessity.But, if you invest in other mutual funds,As I told you,You should study all the topics.I have explained all this clearly in this video.I think you have all the knowledge you need about SIP.In this video I will also explain how to invest in it.So, you have complete knowledge of SIP.
But, let’s talk about Lumsum
Friends, I have already given you some clarity about Lumpsum.But, if we talk about it a little more,If I have 10 lakhs,Should I invest that 10 lakhs now?Or, should I invest 1-1 lakh every month?If you are clear about this,When will you get clarity on investments?
In respect of that stock,Fundamental analysis, technical analysis,And if you get good support,Invest in lumpsum.or, if it is of a higher value,It may fall.Or, if you wait until it falls,It may increase.If you have such fear,Since you can invest the money you have by investing 1-1 lakh, simply put,
In SIP, whether the market is falling or rising,You can always invest for a longer period of time. .Because the market never rises.It rises, falls and rises, falls and rises.It grows in the long run.So, SIP will not bother you in long term.But, if you invest maximum in Lumsum,The market will fall from there.And most yields are consolidated.If you start growing from there,
SIP investors get better returns than peak investors.so,Whether in the market, stock, mutual fund or anything else, if you have the knowledge that there is more opportunity to fall than to rally,
“Small Investments-Big Returns 2024: How SIP Can Help You Earn Crores in the Stock Market” |If you have time, invest in lumpsum.If you don’t have it,You got a lumpsum.
If you sell a property,Suppose you got Crores.Now monthly income from that crore rupees is not required.
That,By investing crores,Leave another 20, 30 years or 10, 15 years and that If you invest crore directly in the market,The market will fall in the coming days.If it bothers you emotionally,Then you divide that 1 crore into 10, 10 lakhs,One can invest in the market every month.Or if you have 10 lakhs you can invest in one lakh Or if you have one lakh you can invest in 10, 10 thousand.You divide it into 10 parts and
Small Investments-Big Returns 2024 – One can invest in installments every month through SIP route.So, where should you put the money for now?You can keep it in FD bank.Or, there is a plan for it.Systematic Transfer Plan, STP.We get a lot of money and If you want to get monthly or regular income from that money,The plan we talked about is SWP,Systematic Withdrawal Plan.
But, it is a systematic transfer plan.This mechanism is like this,In the property under the management company.Suppose you invest money in debt mutual funds or liquid funds.You have invested Rs 1 crore.You will get 6% return on liquid funds.What you say is,In the same asset under management index fund,What you say to a property under a management company is,Be it a week, a month, a quarter or 6 months,
I have invested Rs 1 crore. Liquid funds.From that 1 crore rupees,SWP, through an orderly withdrawal plan,10 lakhs per month,Ask yourself to do a SIP in an index fund.That is, suppose I invest money in liquid funds under HDFC.
1 crore rupees.10 lakhs from this 1 crore rupees every month,I would like to transfer my money from here to index fund.This is called Systematic Transfer Plan.So, Systematic Transfer Plan or STP is Similar to Systematic Withdrawal Plan and SIP.Because we are withdrawing money from the liquid fund we have invested.And SIP it in index fund.So, Systematic Withdrawal Plan and SIP are equivalent to Systematic Transfer Plan.
It is managed by each property under the management company.So, whenever you get money in Lumsum,Invest it in liquid funds or debt funds,Every month, every week, every 3 months, every 6 months And where capital in mutual funds is less risky than index funds,
Or in funds of your choice,We have a mechanism to transfer money that way.This is called Systematic Transfer Plan.You can leave it as is.Keep lumpsum in debt funds.Because, there is no negative return in debt funds.They grow slowly and steadily with 6% returns.But, when you don’t have time to see what is happening in the market,Keep a large amount of lumpsum.In turn, you should transfer some of it to me.
You can also plan a transfer to my index fund.That is called SIP.This is called Systematic Transfer Plan.Likewise, you market your lumpsum amount.From time to time, without any tension,Lumpsum can be converted into SIP route and invested.And, at the same time,On your principal capital,Returns are generated in liquid funds or debt funds.
So, the capital is not empty.And, you keep capital in the market from time to time.Now you have the solution.And, most mutual funds do not charge for this STP mechanism.
However, check if there are any charges before starting this process.There will be no special entry.No matter what charges you get for investing,Check if there is any exit load from the debt fund.I will talk about all this in the video.You will get clarity by watching the video.
Check the charges and proceed further.
Mostly, there are no charges.I hope you understand what is SIP and Lumpsum.Instead of doing SIP like normal people,We talked about some additional methods.Booster SIP, Step-up SIP.There are two methods.It is different from ordinary people.Remember it is SIP or Lumpsum.
If you touch the stock market,It should not be like short term money.It should be like long-term money.And, in any case,Do not change the SIP with the view that the market will fall or rise.
Don’t check if it rises or falls.If you don’t relate to what’s going on,You can get wealth only if you invest.If we keep checking whether it is increasing or decreasing,We are disappointed and delete it.We should forget waste.
We should forget that we are investing.We must invest for the future.For us, because life can only be lived once.
Jai Hind!
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