Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024

Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024 | I am going to talk about the common mistakes made by many beginners i.e. those who have recently started investing.If you are still making the same mistakes, please stop from today. First one among them is Lack of Knowledge. This is a big mistake that many people invest without any understanding.

If you look at it recently, many people have been offered work from home and that will save some money. Thinking where to invest that money, many people are investing in the stock market.Opening a demat eight crore demat accounts have been opened in our India. They have also increased tremendously over the last two to three years.So many people are trying to invest in the stock market.

Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024 | Do you know what many people do wrong? Without any knowledge, they are investing in the stock market and they are blindly buying the stocks that their friends and family members buy.First of all invest if not better then know what is real stock market? How does it work? What are shares? Why does a company’s share price increase? Why does it decrease? What is the reason for that? You should invest only after considering everything. Invest only after knowing everything. Take their opinion, take their opinion, take everyone’s opinion, but don’t follow it blindly.

Take it as an opinion, you need to do technical and fundamental analysis, if you find the same stocks in your research, consider and invest, don’t listen to anyone. Don’t even listen to me.Don’t listen to anyone. Do research.

Technical & Fundamental Analysis | Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024

It is best to invest only after doing technical and fundamental analysis. We are listening. Many have lost.There is no understanding or just names as to why people lose money in the stock market. There is no name of the stock like Ambuja Cement etc and people invest in those names.Does the company have any profits without doing so? Will there be a demand for that company’s product in the future? It is important to invest only after the company owner has seen the whole thing.

Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024 | Do you know the mistake that many people make, not only the stock market? Same with mutual funds. What are mutual funds? Our money will be managed by no one. Know all these things first of all. Original MNC, ICICI, SBI have many extras. Parak Parik is like this a lot. Invest in mutual funds only after knowing what they are and what they are Similarly, government schemes.

There will be a scheme. Who is their friend? He is also saying that he is saying that he should not do that but the purpose of it is different. Now there are many government schemes.

Each has its own purpose. For example, some people think of long-term investment like PPIAF. My friend is investing three thousand every month in PPIAF.He said that I have to buy a car in three years, so I will also invest in PPI.

Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024 | Now, after fifteen years of PPI, I will get the original plus interest.Will it be given for three years? So if you think that you are saving for a car, but if there is no RD, you should invest in mutual funds. But my friend invested in PPI. If I buy a car in two or three years, I will also invest in PPI. It is not possible. It is a long term investment.So in this way invest only after getting proper knowledge, similarly LIC. LIC policy my friend build something, if I also build the same, it is not possible, the purpose is different.

You should do technical and fund mental analysis and research along with it then it is very good to invest again and again invest only after getting proper knowledge. It could be Aina in Dheni.The next one is to borrow and invest. This is the mistake many people make.

They are investing a lot of money every month. They say that I will also invest. There is nothing wrong.If you have money, that’s all, but don’t take a loan and invest. It can be your friends, anyone, if they give you a loan without interest, take it. If a friend gives you a loan without interest, take it, invest it. There is nothing wrong. If you take it on interest, you will lose.

Because let’s take an interest of two rupees outside the example. Two rupees interest means twenty four percent. Now we will take a loan and invest for that twenty four percent.Tell us which investment option gives us twenty percent. Here comes less.

Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024 | There is more that we have to build. Maybe the stock market and the twenty-four percent looked Such percentage returns can be obtained only in mutual fund. That too can’t be said, it may or may not come. So whenever you take a personal loan don’t take that loan and invest only if you have money. To have money you have to cut costs.

If you want one, you have to give up the other. So if you have expenses, reduce those expenses and invest. Also, don’t take it if you are in. There is one and another lake of diversification.Don’t put all the eggs in one basket. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Do you understand that if the basket falls down by mistake, all the eggs will break? This is the mistake that many people make. Most of the newbies say that they have cash of one lakh or two lakhs and take it and invest it in a single stock.That is, all the money is put in the stock market. It is also said that they are making a single stop bye. By mistake, if the company incurs losses, the stock price will go down.

Then the value of our money will decrease. If you invest one lakh rupees, it can turn into a few thousand or six hundred thousand, so diversification should be done.If there is one lock, fifty thousand stop market, one twenty thousand, mutual funds, ten thousand, that, ten thousand, this should be diversified. For example, if you are investing fifty thousand in the stock market, you should not take fifty thousand and invest in a single company. Many companies have to diversify in the stock market in that sector, this sector, that sector. Similarly, we should invest some money in government schemes where our money is safe.

By investing like this, even if the stock market goes down by mistake, there will be profits in these. Fixed interest is generated. So our portfolio will be balanced.Even if there is a loss in it, if there is a profit in it, it will be covered. Diversification in this way is very important. Everyone takes all the money and invest not only in the stock market, but also in investment options, whether it is a small amount of money, medium amount of money, investment options, even if the amount of money is very risky.

If your age is less then take more money and put it in risky investment option because there is more time. So even if the stock market goes down once, your losses are likely to be covered.Similarly another mistake is to invest in short term government schemes. OK invest. Invest in this way for short term i.e. three years one year otherwise don’t do this mistake in mutual funds stock market.In original stock market and mutual fund, the word short term is changed.

If you invest in this way for one year three months then don’t invest at least ten years if you invest in the stock market today wait ten years and then sell it then surely your share price will increase. In order to increase like that, we have to do technical and fundamental analysis and invest in advance, so if you invest in stock market or mutual funds, invest for long term.

Big Mistake by Beginners | Investment Mistakes by Beginners 2024

Do not invest for short term. And when another mistake happens, when the stock market is in a pick, many people buy the shares. It will be closed, they say in the news that the stock market has touched the sky, and they say, Hey, Baboy, the stock market has touched the sky, what are the benefits for everyone, and they say that I will also put it, and they invest in such a time.That is a big mistake.

They say that this is the mistake that many beginners make. They say to me, look at the profit, look at the profit of ten thousand.In such a time we also keep investing by saying that it is ten thousand. Always remember that when there is a blood bath i.e. when the stock market goes down, then bye should be done.In that case, if we do bye, we can get very cheap shares. So, when it goes down, we will buy it. Tomorrow morning, the same stock market will open again.

Then the profits will come. But think that you bought it when you were in the app. Next will be down again. Bye bye when it comes down to losses and bloodbath happens. Do not listen to their words. Ok, when you hear news that the stock market is in heavy losses, it is very important to buy only then and the next one is trading.Many people say that they have lost five thousand losses today, ten thousand losses yesterday and thirty thousand losses the day after yesterday. Why are they still trading?Don’t trade without understanding.

It is said that 90% of the people who trade daily in India have losses.Only 10 percent of the people will get profit.Only trade if you think you know everything and that’s how much knowledge you have. Another good news is that you are reading mutual funds, stock market, NPS, PPF, there are many schemes and many investment options.If you want to learn more about them, there is an app. Financial Freedom App There are more than four hundred courses in that app. There is a course about everything.

There is a four horse course about the stock market, see it, learn it all, it is very important that you invest only after learning. Like a two jade. There is a course about NPS, it is about PPIF, it is about RD, it is about FD, it is about each and every one.Do it this way and you will be successful.

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